anybody else who wants to come in my 13th month?

Veröffentlicht auf von Svenja Milden

well now that i know that i am not going to extend i really have to think about my travelsmonth. the problem about that is, that i need to have at least a structre what i gonna do. i also need to book my flight back by the 21st of july . argh. not that i already have enough trouble with planning and saving money and working and anyway. so i don´t know what you guys are all planning but if anybody wants to visit me durring my 13th month and travel with me you are all welcome. just let me know by next week. so as soon as possible.

today i started at 12pm. but well karen was to late with weston so i started actually at 12.40pm. and then i just put him down and he was sleeping for the next two hours. good for me =). after his nap we went to the farmers market in boulder. it was so hot outside it is unbelivebal. exspecially if you are running around with all the crap from one kid a carrier then the kid himself on you hand. and the pick up vegatebles.

i was glad to be home again. know weston is already sleeping again. we don´t even have 8pm but what ever good for me =)

conclusion i had a good day. and before i forget not that it seems that i was laying the hole morining in my bed... NO!!! i went to the gym and cancelld my contract for 5th of oktober.

20 days left!

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